Monday, June 30, 2008

Yee haw!

On Saturday, everyone from my program (all 30 of us) went horseback riding in Con Con, a city about 30 minutes from Viña. It was one of the best experiences thus far! Being around animals (other than the large stray dog population) felt like home. We rode through huge sand dunes that reminded me of desert scenes from Aladdin. Riding on the beach was my favorite part, though, because we had the entire shoreline to gallop. It was so tranquil! A lot of the other students had never ridden a horse before, so it was also amusing to see the city slickers get all into it. I’m the only one that lives on a farm out of the group, so everyone is always in disbelief that I raise and show beef cattle. After the ride, we returned to the stables and had a Chilean barbecue with pork, beef, and sausage around the fire. I got home around supper time and reluctantly started to brainstorm ideas for my first literature essay.

Check out the stirrups. They're like carved, wooden boots.

On the beach.

Huge sand dunes.


Florida Sue said...

Ola! from Florida!!! Well from the looks of the stirrups you won't have to worry about your feet getting cold!! It has taken me a bit to get this blog thing figured out, but I read every update and look forward to the next days events! Sounds like you are packing a lot into the time you are there. How exciting! How many recipes have you acquired for me? Many I hope...have my pots and pans ready at a moments notice to try some of the dishes you have explained! If it is winter there...can't be as cold as Wisconsin!! Looks like a great place to visit and learn the culture. Looking forward to reading about the next adventure!

Anonymous said...

All those lessons years ago in DC paid off! Riding in Ireland, Spain, Costa Rica, and now Chile. WOW! How fun!