Monday, June 16, 2008

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Today was orientation day! Natalia walked me to where I take the micro, but today was the first time I rode it alone. I didn’t really remember where to get off to get to the university, but luckily the man I was sitting next to was also going there and showed me where to go. PUCV is ranked 5th out of 60 universities in Chile and the campus is spread out across Valparaíso and Viña del Mar - the building where my classes will be is in Valpo. There are 29 international students in my summer program from across the U.S. and about 14,000 total students studying at PUCV. The Chilean semester ends mid-July, so the campus is still packed with students.

We took a diagnostic language exam to determine the appropriate level of classes (beginner, intermediate, advanced). There were 7 pages of multiple choice grammar questions, but the hardest part was the final page, which was an essay with blanks that you had to fill in without a word bank. It was a little tricky to come up with words on the spot that were of the right gender and plurality and made sense in context, but I felt pretty good about the exam. Afterwards, Chilean students gave us a tour of the classrooms, the International Student Office, the library, and the gym. They gave us a “light” snack of incredible cakes and pastries, sandwiches, and fruit juice.

A few of us enjoying lunch at orientation

I had to return to the university later today to find out the results of the exam and register for classes. They said I had one of the highest scores and placed me in the advanced classes. It was reassuring to get some verification of 7 years of Spanish coursework. I had to pick two classes to take and decided on Contemporary Chilean Literature and Grammar. The only downside to placing in the advanced classes is that they start early - very early. My literature class is from 8:30 to 10 am and my grammar class is from 11:45 to 1:15 pm.

After registering I went to Jumbo, a Chilean equivalent of Wal-mart that’s right across from the university, with Amanda and a friend of her host family. I bought gloves to go with the scarf I bought earlier today. I have officially returned to winter! The temperature has been around 35-37 degrees every morning - I’m glad I brought my winter coat.

Graciela was waiting for me when I got back to the apartment with the ever popular question: “Que quieres comer?” (What do you want to eat?) I also met Roberto, my host brother, for the first time tonight.

I’m excited to start classes tomorrow!


Modern Expressions said...

I'm so excited for you! I'm glad that you were able to place in advanced level of classes :) I told you that you had nothing to worry about ;) Good luck with school! I'm enjoying the nice humid 80 degree weather up here :P

AbnerEyewink said...

What do you want to eat? That's a question I wish more people would ask me!

Anonymous said...

Looks and sounds like you're having good success at finding your way around the area and settling in with your new family. It's fun to read about your adventures. I'll enjoy checking your blog now and then!

Anonymous said...

Your classes are early? Pleaseeeeeeeeeee, by 8:30 half the day is already gone.