Thursday, June 19, 2008

First day of classes!

After waking up at 7:20 a.m. yesterday, Graciela served me breakfast in bed - cereal and fruit. (I’m kind of getting used to being spoiled...) I headed out into the cold at 8 a.m. and hopped on a micro to the university. Although getting up early is difficult when I’m in “summer mode,” I love both of my classes! There are 8 students in the lit. class and 10 in the grammar class. Both classes are in the same room, so the chances of me getting lost in the university are slim. The literature class is definitely going to require the most work of the two. We have to give one oral presentation, write 4 essays (3 pages single-spaced each) and there is a final exam. This wouldn’t make me flinch in my literature classes at UW-L, but 3 single-spaced pages of Spanish is fairly significant and most of the Spanish essays I’ve written have been semester-long papers. It’ll be a challenge to whip out 4 polished essays in the next month. We didn’t receive a specific syllabus for the grammar class, but Pedro, the professor, said we’d have minimal homework and 3 quizzes – that’s it.

Today was my first day of homework. I had to read two poems and a short story for Lit. and do a worksheet for Grammar. After classes, I decided to go back to my apartment for lunch – I’m glad I did. Since it was so cold and overcast outside, Graciela made Carbonada, a traditional Chilean soup. It was hands down the best soup I’ve ever had. From what I could discern, it has beef, carrots, onions, potatoes, bowtie pasta, and the perfect blend of spices.


After lunch, I went back to the university and Chilean students took us on a 2.5 hr walk around Valparaíso. We rode the trolley to an ascensor (elevator) and went up on the hill for an incredible view of the city and the ocean. It was overcast and on the verge of raining, but it would be difficult not to enjoy the sights from above. By the end of the walk, it was dark outside and the city lights were shining from all sides of the bay. I took the micro back to Viña (for the fourth time today), got home, talked with Natalia, and had more Carbonada for supper. Have I mentioned I love Chilean food?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Sue would agree....get the recipes!!!!